The Fruit of Being Fearless

3 min readAug 24, 2022


Part I.

Hoah howzit KyuubiKult!

It’s ya boi back on this blog at 1:11am. My insomnia wanted to say hi too; maybe it’s the excitement, nerves, and utter surprise that RETREAT STARTS TODAY. Yes, I’ll be attending my first young adult ministry’s retreat in 5 YEARS. It’s so funny ’cause the last retreat I went to, back in 2017, was as a fresh high school graduate-attendee, and now…I’m a FRESH collegiate graduate *bite lip emoji*.

Fun fact, that 2017 retreat was the catalyst for my reoccurring goal of being a Christian public speaker in the anime community (pictured below). And side note, after my first “Christian Themes in Anime” panel earlier this year, I’d say I’m accomplishing this faster than I can process it.

What’s awesome about this retreat too, is that we got a number of churches from across Hawai’i being represented as well! It’s moments like these that continue to remind me that no matter the denomination or way of worship, or whatever label we try to give us as Christians, we are ALL one body, can I hear an amen? *amen*. Thank you, tech booth! With that, today’s post is pretty short ’cause I’m finna knock out again BUT please keep myself and every attendee and servant leader in your prayers this weekend. We’re walking into a battlefield already won, but it’s gon’ be a BLOODY one in His name. Chains are gonna break, unity will run wild, and His love will rise above all. I love y’all, stay safe, and may the Sky Father’s hand o’ protection be on you as well.

‘Till next time, sayonara! -Kyuubi

At least… that’s what I woulda said if that was the end of the post.

Part II.

Soooo, jump to the lst morning of camp (which was themed “fearless”), at just about the same time of 1:23am, and I’m here, up alone, editing the last recap video of retreat. It is where I have this moment of offering, telling the Lord that this is for Him and His glory alone.

On the last night during our prayer time, I received a couple of words from people I love:

  • I am seen
  • I must always look to Him, especially when I feel alone
  • I don’t have to do anything to earn His love

And I hope these can apply to you as well, if not now, then in the future.

I was also given a future sermon point: As I was cleaning my cabin, the Lord gave me the word of us as humans needing both prayer and practicality in situations. If we were just in Heaven we’d only need prayer and communion with God, but sadly we live in this earthly realm, that requires practical solutions. On the flip side, as we’re citizens of Heaven, we should be in prayer in all situations to bring His light into them. To give praise, to ask for wisdom, guidance, clarify, or even to tell God we’re hurting and scared. We need both as long as we live here.

And praise report, it looks like I prophesied that first night of writing because chains BROKE, generational curses SNAPPED, and people walked away TRANSFORMED by the raw, simple presence of God.

Now THAT is how you end a blog post. I love y’all, stay blessed even when you don’t feel like it, and I’ll talk to you soonnnn :D




A son, servant, and video creator. Currently documenting my church internship/freelancer life ✝️️