Running out of Time đź•‘

3 min readSep 28, 2022


So recently my girlfriend (and what seems like a BATTALION of her friends) have gotten me into the musical, Hamilton. And this one quote stood out to me since my first viewing of it: “Why do you write like you’re running out of time?” (portrayed in fabulous animation style here).

Alexander Hamilton (played by Lin Manuel Miranda) writing like no tomorrow

The idea of time management has always been so funny to me, which we’ll touch on later. Like, you spend hours out of your month (or even week-to-week) to plan out blocks of time for a number of reasons including, but not limited to:

  1. Giving priority and respect to the things you’re committed to
  2. Knowing what’s coming and being prepared
  3. Having a fear of forgetting something important

And for us workaholics, me ESPECIALLY, I forget that time management should be biblical first. I’m not gonna go on a tangent that God owns the past, present, and future (because He does), but this thought process lead me to this article.

Remember how I said the idea of time management was funny? It’s funny because according to the Word, you have to have two constant thoughts in your mind when thinking about the future:

  1. It’s not guaranteed
    James 4:14: “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
  2. We are to plan for tomorrow because we serve a faithful God
    Proverbs 21:5 “The plans of the diligent lead only to plenty, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

Wait…What?! How am I supposed to think that I’m gonna live tomorrow yet it’s not promised?! I personally believe this is because the Lord wants us to have hopes, dreams, and goals, and He loves us so much that He wants us to have everything we reach and strive for. But with our faithfulness in Him, we need to be content as well, since the truth is: God owes us nothing (Timothy 6:6–12).

Going back to time management, this idea of giving pieces of your life a numerical value from hours down to seconds, goes a bit broader for me. This exact moment is the first time this season where I’m taking into account all the things that I’m a part of and value, in no particular order:

  • prayer/devotions
  • my romantic relationship
  • my family/friendships
  • mentorships
  • my full-time job
  • volunteering/serving at other ministries
  • freelancing/side hustles
  • podcasting
  • working out
  • self-development/reading
  • writing these blogs/my NEW newsletter

ALL of these, in coherence with sabbathing HARD on Mondays and Thursdays/Fridays. Why? Because, “the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner (a temporary resident) who is within your gates (Exodus 20:10).

As much as God wants you to WORK hard for your goals and aspirations, He also wants you to REST hard so that you:

  • have energy the rest of the week
  • be present with your friends/family
  • and above all, be present with your Creator

I love y’all so much. Thank you for reading today’s post AND I’m excited to announce ma first ever newsletter! I can’t to share with you insider scoops on ma life and special announcements for projects and such! Stay safe and have a blessed one, fam!




A son, servant, and video creator. Currently documenting my church internship/freelancer life ✝️️