Rest or you will DIE 😴⚖️💀

3 min readFeb 25, 2023


I’m kidding, so here’s an aesthetic, non-copyright picture of a wheat field.

Happy February, KyuubiKult!

Dang, this month flew by, huh? It’s funny how my last post was about running out of time and here we are at the end of the month 😅. ANYWAYS, I pray this year has been well for you and your ohana (family) so far! I’m currently getting over a strep throat which means more time to write/create (lol).

So…REST. Yes, we just talked about it but GUYS, today in my devotional reading plan, we were reading chapters from Numbers and Mark, where the sabbath was mentioned two different times. And I noticed some interesting relationship that He bestowed upon me while reading (look at me using collegiate level words lolll).

So in Numbers 15:32–36, there was a man who broke the sabbath to pick up wood/sticks. And because of this… HE DIED. No, not literally because he picked up some wood. The wood itself wasn’t cursed or anything (#BurningBush), but because he did so right after the Lord gave the Israelites law, specifically about the sabbath, specifically about RESTING. This man was sadly testing the Lord’s authority and power (or he was just ignorant to it 🤷‍♂️), and either way, he was taken and stoned to death because the last thing the Israelites needed was someone blatantly disobeying God over and over (though this would be their trend, and surprisingly our trend, for generations and generations).

NOW, this scene, was in the Old Testament, the fourth book to be exact. But what does our favorite person from the New Testament have to say? Though the Lord did work on the sabbath (healing a man’s deformed hand among other things) in front of Pharisees, this kind of work was…different.

Yes, Jesus worked but He was doing His work.

This kind of work was necessary, not only to fulfill scripture pertaining to the various miracles the Messiah would do, but it’s also important to look at the Israelites’ view on the sabbath during this time. They were a righteous people to the point of holding their relationship with the laws higher than their relationship with God. Their views on rest were no longer fueled by passion and obedience as the stone-throwing Israelites of old, but it was now powered by monotony, haughtiness, and plain old fear.

So, the next time you need rest, will you disobey and pick up some sticks, or will you allow yourself to be healed physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally? Don’t fear rest/the lack of doing things for God, but be filled by His presence and follow His example, His way.

Thank y’all for reading, I love ya so much and have a blessed day! I’m the most active on Instagram and will be reviving my YouTube channel real soon, making more content on faith and anime!




A son, servant, and video creator. Currently documenting my church internship/freelancer life ✝️️