Love in the Process ☺️

3 min readJun 28, 2022


Since the late 2010s, my life motto has been “we’ll get there when we get there”. This was during the incline of my YouTube career and I was facing lots of stress from school, family, and my future. Though, it is from these seven words that I’ve continued to stay calm with major school/work projects due the next day, or anxiety-inducing events right around the corner (holla at my productive procrastinators!).

For a couple years now, I’ve also had the belief of loving the process and not being sooo focused on end-goals that I lose sight of the present moment. This belief has been a vital part to my chill nature, and honestly, I thank God for it since I wouldn’t be able to handle 99% of the things life throws at me lol

I’ve always loved the process, but I never thought I’d find love in the process.

Pretty crazy, right? lol Let me explain.

I ain’t gonna throw some crazy verses from Songs o’ Solomon ‘atcha (although that still would be biblical 👀), yet recent events have forced me to re-look at my future relationship goals and in this, re-look at what God has said/is saying. I stumbled upon Romans 8:25 :

“But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.”

God’s opened my eyes that all my life, I’ve had a back-to-back battle with contentment (derived from my need for control). I don’t think having goals/wants is a sin, in fact, I’m sure God wants to provide for us and give us the things we yearn for as long as they’re in His will. What kind of father wouldn’t want his children to be happy? But for me, I was never comfortable staying in one place for a season; I always had to keep on moving:

So through a recent spiritual awakening, the Lord proclaimed that He is all of the things that we’ve believed He is. I spent hours on my 24th birthday in tears and soaked in the fact that, in whatever circumstance we go through (singleness/marriage, pennies/millions, houseless/mansion, etc.), He is still the same God and His love especially, doesn’t change. We can’t earn it, nor will ever lose it. He chases us to the ends of this fathomable Earth in an attempt to grab us by the shoulder, hold us tight, and say “it’ll be okay. I’m here”. He writes our stories and His love is more vast than every hair on our bodies, every grain of sand, and every star in the sky. He is, was, and always will be our provider, our healer, our best friend whom we should love SO much that by comparison we hate all other beings. And even when life gets too busy that we push Him to the side like a used toy, He STILL loves us???Talk about grace incomprehensible, huh.

This kind of love, His love, is the benchmark for which we should love each other. A love that is patient beyond human comprehension. A love that is holding my hand in typing this last thought…

Until the “I do”, I’ll say “I’ll wait”

With that, thank you again for once again enduring this TED talk from a former hopeless romantic (formerly hopeless because our hope is in Jesus 😉) #PrayForMe lol #InPursuit #MorePreciousThanRubies

tldr; our lives are ultimately in God’s hands and we should trust Him to provide for us when He feels like we need it. And as a close friend recently told me “great things comes through surrender” :)

Love y’all, you’re in my prayers, and if ya ever have any topics you want me to write a lil somethin’ about, please DM me on ig @KyuubiKaze




A son, servant, and video creator. Currently documenting my church internship/freelancer life ✝️️