I’m going insane 🤯

2 min readFeb 1, 2022


I don’t know if it’s finals week, or the cold weather, or the amount of stress I’ve felt the last few weeks with some internal burdens on my heart. . . but something’s wrong.

I slowly feel my 23 year-old, caffeine-reliant body breaking down before my very eyes (and not in a fun way like a Thanos snap 👀). The fact that I’m spending minutes distracting myself from final projects (due in an hour nonetheless) might tell you how much I want to give up right now. I’ve been blessed with countless opportunities as of late, but to be honest with you, I’m scared. I’m nervous, lonely, and have so much on my plate that I can’t even bring myself to start listing them for you.

This was me last month, a perfect example of being in a storm not knowing what to do. For college students, these feelings of helplessness, confusion, and abandonment can be so great during the holiday season. And as the “Weaboo Christian” (a title I’m still debating on changing lol), I’d love to sugarcoat these feelings for you and say we just gotta trust God. But as we all might know by now, that’s way easier said, than done. It wasn’t until the last youth service I served at in 2021 was held, where my mentor was speaking on the topic of hope. In this sermon, he reminded us that having hope in Christ may not be enough sometimes, especially for those going through hardship after hardship. But it is the reminder that all things came into being through Him, and without Him not one thing would come into existence. What has come into being in Him was life, and this life was the light of all the people (John 1:1–5).

tldr; crisis and struggles shouldn’t be the end of hope, but sometimes the catalyst for it. With that, have a great and blessed start of 2022!




A son, servant, and video creator. Currently documenting my church internship/freelancer life ✝️️