Burning out to Rise Like a Phoenix šŸ¦

2 min readMar 27, 2021


I just finished watching ā€œThe Social Networkā€ for the first time which inspired me to get off my ass and do something, ANYTHING, creative so here we are. Get ready for a nice, short rant, or maybe a piece of writing you could probably relate to, either way, here we go.

I havenā€™t made a YouTube video in half a year and Iā€™d like to say itā€™s due in part to all the changes in my life around that time. I moved out of my toxic familyā€™s house, moved into my friendā€™s place, and was just starting my first semester back from study abroad. A LOT of things were on my plate that had to be eaten up, and YouTube at the time was that side order of bread that couldnā€™t fit on said plate.

Now six months later, I find myself with a new plate of metaphorical food. New paths that would hopefully sratch my networking itch, fill some personal goal, or serve as a stepping stone to my next journey. These include being appointed a director for a venture committee, being a possible radio station manager, and taking on another study abroad this summer (online of course, but hopefully able to travel if the Lord wills it lmao).

So for the last few months, Iā€™ve found myself in this constant crossroads, but looking back, it feels more like a 10-way intersection. So many things to do, so many opportunities to take, so many people to meet, yet I donā€™t know exactly where these new roads will take me.

Now for the ā€œrantyā€ portion. One of my grandmas along with my best fwend (yes, we called each other that lol) passed away in December 2019, and with the daily pressures of the pandemic, social issues like Black Lives Matter, I was surprised to even lose a few people who I considered friends at the time. All these things hurt so badly in different places that the other parties probably wonā€™t give the time of day to see (at least, anytime soon).

TLDR; a lot of things happened in my life (as Iā€™m sure it did for everyone else) last year, but now the point isā€¦KyuubiKazeā€™s back šŸ˜ŽšŸ”„




A son, servant, and video creator. Currently documenting my church internship/freelancer life āœļøļø